“Let’s keep the Christ in Christmas.”,It is a popular mantra amongst my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ during this time of the year.
But what exactly does that mean? And how do you keep Jesus at the center of everything you do this Christmas?
It’s no secret that Christmas has become a heavily commercialized holiday in the US.
Aside from the Christians networks, you won’t see anything on tv about Christ.
You might drive by a church that is hosting a Christmas play or nativity scene, but for the rest of the world, Christ is a distant memory.
What Does It Mean to Keep Christ in Christmas?
To me, this phrase means that during the holiday season we should be exemplifying Christ to the world.
Yes, we should do this every day, but even more so during Christmas.
People are more willing and receptive to the gospel and hearing about Christ during the Christmas season.
However, Jesus didn’t just talk about what he came to do he showed people the love of God.
He took the time to help people that the rest of the world shunned.
So let’s make this Christmas about Christ. Let’s keep him at the center of our hearts and mind this year and be his hands and feet.
Today, I’m going to share with you 15 Activities to help you and your family keep Christ in Christmas.
15 Ways to Focus on Christ This Christmas

1. Pray the Christmas Prayer Each Morning
I’ve found that there is no better way to start your day than, with prayer.
To keep your focus on Christ this season, try starting your day with this Christmas prayer.
“Lord, I thank You for coming to earth so You could redeem me. When I think of the extent to which You were willing to go in order to save me, it makes me want to shout, to celebrate, and to cry with thankfulness. You love me so much, and I am so grateful for that love. Without You, I would still be lost and in sin. But because of everything You have done for me, today I am free; my life is blessed; Jesus is my Lord; Heaven is my home, and Satan has no right to control me. I will be eternally thankful to You for everything You did to save me! I pray this in Jesus’ name!” — Rick Renner
If you are interested in more Christmas prayers crosswalk.com has put together a list of 30 Christmas prayers.
2. Read & Study the Christmas Story
My father used to read the Christmas story to us every year before we opened presents on Christmas morning.
Now that I’m an adult I still like to read the Christmas story every year.
However, this year I would like to take it a little further and dig deeper into the story of Christ’s birth.
3. Read Christ-Centered Christmas Books with Your Kids
One way to help your children focus on the reason for the season is to read Christ-centered Christmas books with them.
The following books are great to read with children:
God’s Christmas Promise (Pop-up/Light -Up Book)

Jesus Calling: The Story of Christmas

4. Watch Christ-Centered Christmas Movies
As a family sit down and watch a movie about the birth of Christ or Christmas miracles.
The Star (My kids love this movie. They watch it every year.)
5. Send a Letter from Santa About the Real Reason for Christmas
I wish I had heard about this one before I had children. I would have definitely done this with all of them.
For those of you that want to keep Santa a part of Christmas, this is a perfect way to keep the Jolly old Saint Nick a part of the holidays.
6. Give the Gift of Service to A Family Member
Instead of buying gifts for members of your family offer a gift of service or a memorable experience.
- Dinner date with mom,
- wash the dishes,
- folding the laundry,
- dinner and a movie,
- quiet time for mom, etc.
7. Exchange Letters Instead of Gifts
I really like this idea. Often we take the members of our family for granted. This is a perfect time to write a letter to them telling them how special they are to you and how much you appreciate them.
I don’t know about you, but I like to keep cards and letters that I receive from friends and family.
When I’m feeling down or ready to give up, I like to break those bad boys out and read through them. They always lift my spirits up.
8. Bake Treats for Your Neighbors.
If you’re into baking and making tasty sweets for the holidays, why not make a few extra for your neighbors this year?
9. Write Thank-You Notes/Cards
Take the time out this year to show some gratitude.
Write thank-you notes for those overlooked members of your community: mail carriers, teachers, crossing guards, firefighters, police officers, grandparents, your hairdresser, and the lady that gave you outstanding customer service at the mall.
A kind word goes a long way.
10. Invite Someone to Share Christmas Dinner
For many people, Christmas is a joyous time to be with friends and family.
It is also a time when people struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide.
If you know someone that will spend the holidays alone offer to have them spend Christmas with you and your family.
11. Visit the Sick or Elderly
Visit members of your church or neighbors that may be sick and unable to leave home. Bake some cookies and just stop by to have a chat.
Spend time with the residents in the nursing home. You could get a group together to sing Christmas Carols, paint nails, or just stop by to chat with a few of the residents.
12. Volunteer to Help the Homeless
Volunteer at a local shelter to help the homeless this Christmas.
Many of the people that run these shelters rely on volunteers to help everything run smoothly.
13. Adopt a Family
Many families are struggling to make ends meet. Especially, during the holidays. Maybe you know a family or a single parent that could use some extra help.
Find out how you can be a blessing to them beyond just buying toys for their kids. Or perhaps there are some elderly people in your community that need help with chores around the house.
Offer to mow the lawn, clean gutters, put up lights, etc. Many of them will be grateful for the help and the company.
14. Donate Crochet, Hats, Blankets, etc.
If you are an avid Crocheter, there are several charities where you can make blankets and hats for this Christmas.
Here are a few organizations that accept handmade items:
- Careware (baby blankets, hats, shawls, lap blankets for all ages)
- Knots of Love (supports cancer patients)
- Handmade Especially for You (victims of domestic violence)
These are just a few places that you can donate to.
15. Offer the Gift of Forgiveness
What an awesome gift to give someone this Christmas. When we truly forgive someone as Christ forgave us, it’s such a freeing feeling.
When we finally let go of the weight of carrying that anger, bitterness, and resentment, life becomes much better for us emotionally and spiritually.
Now the healing process can begin for you and the individual.
Maybe there is someone in your life that you need to forgive. Make this Christmas the last Christmas that you carry around that emotional baggage.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that we forget the true purpose of Christmas.
It’s not about getting gifts, decorations, parties, or the deals you can score at this time of the year.
It’s about celebrating the birth of Jesus and all the events that surround his miraculous birth.
It’s about worshipping the one who would sacrifice his life for us on the cross.
He died the death of a criminal so that we might be set free from sin and have eternal life.
When you think about it that way, you realize that no gift you get this Christmas will ever compare to the gift that God gave us through his son Jesus.
Instead, this season we (and every day) should strive to be more like Christ.
Let’s make Christmas more about giving to others this year. By helping the widow and the orphan.
By taking the time to notice the hurting and broken people around us that just need a listening ear and an open heart.
How do you plan to keep Christ the center of your Christmas this year? Are there any activities that you and your family do that help spread his love during this season? Leave me a comment below.
If you liked this post or found it useful, don’t forget to share it on social media.
As Always, keep Jesus in the Center of Everything you do.
Your Sister In Christ,
You might also enjoy my other post on why Christians don’t celebrate Christmas.
Such great ideas! We have several of those children’s books. They are wonderful reminders for us grownups at times too! ?
Yes, that is so true!
Such good reminders for this season. I really like the Christmas prayer!
Yes, the Christmas prayer is awesome! It really does help you to focus on Christ. Thanks or commenting 🙂
Love your heart for Christ!! Yes!! We are enjoying such an amazing Advent book this year… Unwrapping the Names of Jesus! Has been such a blessing. I love the book recommendations you list. Can’t wait to get my hands on the Sarah Young Christmas one Yay!!!
Hi Lindsay! Thanks for commenting! Who is Unwrapping the Names of Jesus by? I’ve been thinking about doing something on the names of God and that sounds like a great resource!