You guys know I’m all about keeping Jesus at the center of your blog.
But how do you do that?
Today, I thought I would share with you a few tips on how to let God lead you as you learn to grow and develop your blog.
5 Tips on How to Stay Focused on Christ as a Christian Blogger

1.Dedicate Your Blog to Christ
Commit your works to the Lord. And your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

As a Christian blogger, our blogs are not our own.
It doesn’t matter if you have a dedicated faith blog or a general blog that caters to a wider audience.
The first step in keeping Jesus in the center of your blog is dedicating it back to him.
He was the one that put the desire in your heart to start a blog.
He gave you the desire and the passion for the audience you serve.
And if we want to see our blogs flourish and grow, then we need to commit it back to him.
2. Pray for Guidance
The latter half of Proverbs 16:3 says,” And your plans will be established.”
How do we know what God’s plans are if we do not seek him in prayer and reading his word?
I know this is something that I struggle with from time to time.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the technical aspect of blogging that you forget about the spiritual aspect.
If we pray and ask God to show us his plans, he will lead and guide us to the resources we need.
Pray for the audience that God has called you to serve.
Ask him to help you write content that will resonate with them and draw them closer to Christ.
Use This Free Worksheet to jot down blog ideas while you study your bible!

3. Use the Word as Your Guide
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Ps 119:105

Always use the word of God as a standard for what you post.
It doesn’t matter if you have a faith blog or a general blog.
As a Christian, you should constantly be asking yourself if what you’ve written lines up with the word of God.
Are the techniques you’re using to grow your blog fitting for a follower of Christ?
Are you using scriptures appropriately and in the right context?
Are you promoting products and services that conflict with your faith?
Everything that we do as Christians should bring glory and honor to Christ.
Even the blog posts that we write.
4.Focus on Serving Your Audience
One of the biggest questions asked by new bloggers is how do I get more traffic to my blog?
Which can turn into an unhealthy obsession with your stats.
How many page views did I get today?
How many followers do I have on this social media platform?
How many shares did this post get?
Honestly, looking at the stats page for your blog can be addicting.
But God didn’t call you to serve numbers he called you to serve people.
I’m not saying that you don’t need to learn how to get traffic to your blog, because you do.
Numbers are not as important as ministering to your blog audience.
I am saying that numbers are not as important as ministering to the audience that God has called you to reach.
Jesus met the needs of the people he was sent to serve.
And we should do likewise.
5. Be Willing to Shift Gears
“…although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith….” Jude 1:3

Jude’s original message was about salvation, but God compelled him to write about something else, contending for the faith.
As Christian bloggers, we have to be willing to shift gears no matter what our niche is.
Just because you’re a finance blogger, doesn’t mean God won’t lead you to write a post about sowing and reaping or tithing.
Or maybe you’re a pet blogger and God wants you to write a post about how your dog taught you a lesson about faith.
The point is, we need to be able to listen to the holy spirit and write what God has put on our hearts, despite what we have on our editorial calendar.
While this list may seem like a no brainer. Letting God guide your blog is not as easy as it sounds.
There are many aspects of blogging that make it easy to focus on what we want and what we think we should be doing with our blogs.
That’s why it’s so important we are intentional about dedicating our blog to God.
Ensuring that prayer is a regular part of our blogging process.
As well as using the bible as our standard for what we post and a share on our blog.
Finally, we must always remember to serve our audience first and to be flexible with our content.
If we do these things regularly, then Jesus will remain at the center of our blogs.
My prayer for you today:
I pray God will lead and guide you as you strive to glorify him with your blog. That he will give you the wisdom to grow and reach the audience he has called you to serve. That your heart will always be teachable and your ears will always be open to hearing the voice of God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your Sister in Christ,
Thanks for sharing these tips! Very helpful ?
Hi Hannah! I’m glad you found the tips helpful! Thank you for commenting.
Yes!!! This is SO important for the world to hear!!
Hi Caitlyn! Thank you for commenting. It is so important for us to keep Christ first in everything we do. 🙂
Thank you! This is a great reminder to keep the focus on Christ and His word. I am guilty of getting caught up in the numbers game at times. Praying to please the Lord and leave it in His hands.
Hi Arrica! Yes, it’s so easy to get caught up in the numbers. That is something I have struggled with often. I have to constantly remind myself to focus on Christ and make sure I’m doing what he has called me to do. Thank you for commenting. 🙂
You’re so right that if we want to follow God and serve Him, then we need to include Him on our blog as well. We cannot leave Him out. The Lord has blessed my blogging efforts right from the start. I am so thankful for that and I pray that I glorify Him in my writing, promoting and serving.
Hi Wendy! Yes, we should always include him in our blog no matter what our niche is. I’m so glad the Lord has blessed you in this area. I pray that he will continue to use you for his glory!