Are you okay?
How are you doing?
Seems like a simple question right?
One that we should be able to answer freely and honestly.
But most of us, myself included, seldom answer this question honestly.
Right now the world is going through a really tough time.
People are hurting all over the world.
Family members are getting ill and dying.
People can’t go to work and don’t know how they are going to feed their families.
However, I can guarantee you that if you ask them if they’re okay, they will say they’re fine.
This attitude is especially prevalent among believers.
It seems that somewhere along the line we’ve been taught that as Christians we are not allowed to feel worried, sad, or be overwhelmed.
We must always smile.
We must pretend like we’re not going through.
Can I tell you something, my dear sister?
It’s okay not to be okay.
It’s okay to feel overwhelmed.
It’s okay to be sad and to feel alone.
It’s okay to feel sorrow.
Feeling these emotions does not mean that you are weak in your faith.
It does not mean that you do not trust God.
It does not make you less of a Christian.
Remember my sister, that Jesus wept.
Even Jesus was overwhelmed in the Garden (Matt 26:36).
Let that sink in for a moment.
Jesus, the commander of the wind and waves, wept.
Despite knowing he had the power to raise Lazarus from the dead.
He wept.
Jesus, the miracle worker, was overwhelmed.
Even though he knew his destiny was to die for us, he still asked his father to let this cup pass from him.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. If he was allowed to feel this way, then so are you.
It’s okay to feel the emotions you feel.
But my dear, you must not let the enemy trick you into isolating yourself and wallowing in them.
That’s why God is sending people your way to help you.
Don’t be afraid to open up to them.
To my fellow sisters in Christ who may not be struggling right now,
Your sister is hurting. She is concerned about many things.
She needs you right now.
The word says to, Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15).

It does not say to sweep those uncomfortable emotions under the rug with a well-placed scripture.
Instead, we must extend the love of Christ to our hurting sisters.
We must take the time to be quick to listen and slow to speak.
We must not treat them like they are weak in their faith or wrong for doubting God’s promises.
Because if we’re honest we’ve been there too. We’ve got doubts. We’ve got fears.
Our sister is just brave enough to share hers.
So let’s not diminish her feelings, but come alongside her to help her work through them.
We must follow Christ’s example and have compassion for them. We must strive with them. We must lift them up.
We must offer more than just the rehashing of God’s word. We must show our love in action
Ecclesiastics 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up,But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone? 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
We are better together.
Let’s be there for each other, not just in this time of crisis, but every day.
Once again, my dear sisters, it’s okay to not be okay.
I’m here to support and encourage you.
To weep with and rejoice with you.
Your Sister in Christ,

I love genuine people. God created us with the full range of emotion. We should be able to feel overwhelmed sometimes and have people pray for us, and also pray for others who are going through hard times.
Hi Susan! Thank you for commenting. We should definitely strive to be genuine with our emotions and our feelings. God gave them to us for a reason.
Wow!! So true. We are allowed to not be okay. We are allowed to admit we’re hurting, it’s normal. It doesn’t make us weak Christians! Love it?
Hi Tinashe! Thank you for commenting! Yes, it most certainly is okay to not be okay. Especially, with everything that is going on right now in the world.