Being a Christian parent in the 21st century is hard. There are so many distractions pulling at us and our children daily.
Not only do we have to contend with social media, but we also have to help our children navigate all the cultural changes that are taking place.
Now more than ever, we need to make sure that our families spend time in the word of God as often as possible. This pandemic is the perfect time to create a devotional routine for your family.
Not sure what your family should do during your devotional time? That’s okay. I didn’t know what to do either. That’s why I’ve put together this list of bible devotions for families.
Without further ado…
Top 5 Bible Devotions for Families

1. I Am Devotional: 100 Devotions About the Names of God
God has many names in the Bible, and each one describes an aspect of his character. As you and your family discover the names of God, you will have a better understanding of who He is and how He loves us.
Even though this devotional is written for elementary students, it’s perfect for children of all ages. But if you would prefer a book for smaller children, they have a toddler version of the book.
2.Jesus Calling Family Devotional: 100 Devotions for Families to Find Peace in His Presence
This devotional is a little different. It has a section for parents to read and a children’s section. Each devotion has a scripture and a set of questions for your family to discuss. This is a perfect devotional for families with older children (ages 8-12).
If you are interested in something for smaller children, ages 3-7, the Jesus Calling Bible story book would be a great fit.
3. Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing is perfect for kids ages 6 to 10. This devotional contains 101 simple thoughts on faith that are easy for children to understand. The devotions are taken from a variety of subjects: history, literature, science preachers, and the Bible. Not matter which subject the devotion is based on, it all points back to the gospel.
4. Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God
Do you have 10 minutes a day to explore the word of God with your family? Long Story Short was written for busy Christian families. This devotional has something for children of all ages.
Explore God’s plan of salvation through the lens of the Old Testament. There are 5 lessons for each week and each week focuses on a story or person in the Old Testament. Followed by an exploration of how the lesson points to Jesus.
Give your family a fresh look at the Old Testament and the story of salvation with this devotional.
5. My First Hands-On Bible (Preschool Version)
Little kids love to do things with their hands! My First Hands-On Bible is designed for children ages 3-6. The book contains 85 hands-on devotions that your little one will love. Each lesson uses common household items to emphasize a specific Biblical point.
In addition to the fun activities, you will find beautiful illustrations, prayers, etc. Get your little ones excited about the word of God with this interactive devotional. If you have older children, there is another version called Hands-On Bible for children ages 6-12.
BONUS Family Bible Study!
If your family enjoys games or has family game nights, you will love the Faith and Family subscription box from Cratejoy! Each month you’ll get a themed box that contains games, stickers, conversation questions, snacks, and an interactive family bible study.
Having a family bible study doesn’t have to be time-consuming or boring. Each of these devotions has something to offer your family. Most importantly they will draw you closer to each other and to Christ.
What did you think about those devotionals? Did you find one you liked? Or do you have one to add to the list? Let me know in the comment box below.
As always, keep Jesus in the center of everything you do.
Your Sister In Christ,