It’s not fun being the new kid in town. There’s so much to learn and do.
Figure out all the rules, social customs, make new friends… it’s exhausting.
Well, let’s get rid of some of that anxiety by going over a few practical blogging tips.
Top 10 Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

Tip # 1. Blogging is Not About You.
Once upon a time blogs were more like online diaries. People would write about their day and post it to the internet.
Well, my friend those days of blogging are long gone.
People are not coming to your page to hear about you and your kid’s shenanigans.
That may sound harsh, but it’s true.
Your e-mail subscribers or your followers on Instagram might enjoy this kind of insight, but random people on Google won’t.
If you’re going to use a personal story, it should have some life lesson or solution attached to it.
For example, your child has a tantrum in the store you could write a post on 15 ways to handle toddler tantrums.
You could share your experience and provide useful tips to your audience.
Tip # 2: Focus on Your Audience
This rule ties into the first one. Who are you writing for?
That’s the big question. Without an answer to that question, you won’t have any real direction for your blog.
Even if you blogged about multiple topics, you should still be writing for a specific person.
This “person” is called an avatar.
Having an avatar will help you:
- Choose the right categories for your blog.
- Find solutions to your audience’s problems.
- Define your blogging voice.
- Define your blog’s brand.
- Attract the right audience.
For example, my avatars name is Asia. God is calling her to start a blog, but she’s not sure where to start or what to do.
Part of my blog’s purpose is to show her how to start and grow her blog.
If you’re having trouble creating an avatar for your blog, LeAnn from Kingdom Bloggers has a great course on defining your audience.
Tip #3: Be Authentic.
God didn’t create you to be somebody else.
It’s great to have other bloggers that you look up to and admire, but don’t copy them.
God has given you your own unique writing voice.
Your readers will be drawn to your voice and writing style.
They will also appreciate you for being real, relatable and authentic.
Tip #4: Be Consistent
Blogging is all about consistency.
It can be discouraging when you’re not seeing the results you want, but keep showing up.
Keep learning different ways to grow and promote your blog.
The Word says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10 NIV
Even though you may only have a few readers right now. Keep being faithful and keep putting in the work.
Your labor is not in vain.
Tip #5: Promote Your Blog
When Jesus started his ministry, he didn’t just sit at home and wait for people to come to him.
He went out into the community to heal the sick and raise the dead.
He went out and called the 12 disciples. They didn’t come to him.
Blogging is the same way. You have to put your blog out there if you want to get traffic.
You can use Facebook and other social media platforms to help spread the word.
If you’re looking for tips on how to use various social media platforms to grow your blog, check out my fellow blogger, Jessie at Jessie Synan.
She has great resources on how to grow your blog with social media.
Tip #6: Learn How to Repurpose Your Blog Content
It takes a long time to write a great blog post. Not to mention the time it takes to create all the graphics that go along with it.
Don’t waste all that hard work by posting it once and calling it quits.
Learn how to make your content work for you by repurposing your post.
Here are a few ways you can repurpose that content:
- Create an infographic.
- Take a few tips from the post and share them on social media.
- Create a Facebook live or YouTube video on the post.
- If it’s a long post, break it up and create a mini e-book to offer as a freebie.
- Use it to create an online course for your blog.
Tip #7: Give More Than You Take
In the blogging world, sharing is caring.
Create connections with other bloggers in the blogging community.
Don’t be afraid to share someone else’s content by linking back to them in your post or mentioning them on social media.
Maybe their content isn’t relevant to your audience. That’s ok, you can still leave genuine comments on their blog.
You can subscribe to their e-mail list and provide feedback on their welcome sequence or blog content.
There are so many things you can do to help your fellow bloggers out.
Tip #8: Learn How to Use SEO
I repeat, learn how to use SEO for your blog.
So many bloggers put it off, then regret it later.
SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s how search engines, like Google, find and rank your blog.
That is how you get organic traffic to your blog.
But not just any ole traffic, traffic from people who are interested in your content.
Aka your ideal reader!
I’m not gonna lie to you, learning the in’s and out’s of SEO may be challenging.
However, it’s better to learn how to do it now, then to have to go back and rewrite all of your posts later.
I’ve written a post on how to write a blog post that covers basic on page SEO.
Tip #9: Stop Checking Your Stats Page
I know, I know. This one is hard.
In the world of blogging, numbers mean everything.
But numbers do not determine if your blog is a success or a failure.
You are the one responsible for deciding what success looks like for your blog.
Just because someone is getting lots of traffic to their blog, doesn’t mean that traffic is converting to sales or subscribers to their e-mail list.
It doesn’t mean that they have an active and engaged audience, which is what you want.
The secret is not in the amount of traffic but in the quality of your traffic and content.
Tip #10: Keep Christ First
You should have known this one was coming.
No matter what your reason for blogging or what your niche is, keep Christ first.
If your blog is taking over your physical and spiritual life, then you need to take a step back.
Trust me. I’ve been there. I was spending more time working on my blog, then reading my bible or praying.
When I did open my bible, it was to hastily find a verse to add to a post.
I started neglecting my duties as a mother and a wife because I was so focused on growing my blog.
When I realized what was happening, I had to step back and put my priorities back in order.
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? (Mark 8: 36)
My blog wasn’t worth my spiritual life or my family life. So, keep your priorities straight and know when to cut back.

Well, that’s it. Those are my top 10 tips for new bloggers.
Let’s do a quick recap before I go.
- Blogging is not about you.
- Write for your audience.
- Promote your blog.
- Be authentic.
- Be consistent.
- Give more than you take.
- Limit how often you check your stats.
- Learn how to repurpose your content.
- Learn how to use SEO.
- Most importantly, keep Christ first.
What did you think about them? What other tips would you add? Share them with me in the comments section.
As always, keep God at the center of everything you do.
Your Sister in Christ,
These are some great tips Eboni! Thank you so much! I especially appreciated the reminders to give more than you take and to keep Christ first. As a blogger, it’s so important to stop thinking about yourself, and focus on the needs of others!
Hi Sarah! It’s easy to forget to give more, then you take. Blogging can be so self-centered sometimes. It’s good to reach out and help other bloggers and your audience. Thanks for commenting.
For me, instead of being consistent, it’s better to write only when the Lord puts something on our hearts to say. Yes, we have fewer posts, but they are more impactful.
Hi Susan! It’s important to let God lead you as you write. Especially, when it comes to writing Christian content. I am that way when it comes to the faith sections of my blog. I write fewer of those posts, then my blogging posts for that same reason.
Very good tips. I don’t know who my audience is yet…I kinda write what I feel the Lord has pressed on my heart. I want to help Christians but also others that don’t know Christ yet. Thank you for this blog. It gives me stuff to think about.
Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for commenting. It can take a while to figure out who your audience is. Sometimes it’s easier to start with something general like the gender of your audience, age, stage of life, etc. As you continue to pray and follow the Lords leading your audience will come into focus.
This was so so helpful to me. Thank you so much for this!
Hi Carista! I’m so glad that you found this information helpful! Please let me know if you would like information on anything else. I’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have.
Very helpful. This is all true. Haha
These tips are super helpful. Especially the one where you talk about not checking analytics daily. Hahah. That’s a tough one.
Great tips! I still struggle with understanding SEO