Are you struggling to balance your spiritual life with growing and maintaining your blog?
Does it seem like whenever you focus on one thing the other seems to slip?
If that’s you, I can tell you that you are not alone.
There are many of us, myself included, that struggle with trying to balance our walk with Christ with motherhood, wifehood, and blogging.
One of the keys to balancing our spiritual life and blogging is to put the two of them together.
Instead of having a separate bible study time and a time to come up with ideas for your blog why not do them together?
Is that even possible?
Yes, it is.
This one change to your bible study routine will help you create engaging content for your blog.
What is Blog Content?
Before we dive into this simple trick let’s first define what blog content is.
Blog content is anything that you create for your blog.
Blog posts, Facebook posts, Instagram posts, tweets, e-mails, Pinterest pins, and graphics are all considered part of your blog’s content.
Now to the good stuff.
How to Create Blog Content While Studying the Bible

I can’t take all the credit for what I’m about to share with you.
I originally got this idea from a writing challenge posted by Ashley at Undobuted Grace.
She is one of the wonderful moderators for the Christian Women Bloggers United Facebook group.
The next time you sit down to read your bible I want you to do the following:
1. Read
For this technique to work I would suggest you read at least 5 verses or more.
As you read jot down any notes or words that stand out to you.
I would also suggest reading the passage in more than one version of the bible.
2. Summarize
In your own words summarize what you read in 1-2 paragraphs.
3. Write Down Questions
Write down any questions that you have while reading the passage.
4. List Promises and/or Attributes of God
Write down any promises or attributes of God that you found in the passage.
This final step is the key to creating content that will resonate with your audience.
5. Focus on Your Target Audience (Avatar)
Re-read the passage and write down questions that your target audience would have about the passage.
Being able to put yourself in your audience shoes is one of the keys to writing content that your audience will love.
- What questions would your ideal reader ask about this passage?
- What feelings or emotions might this passage of scripture create in them?
- Is there a fear or doubt that your audience might have that is answered in the scripture?
- How can you use this passage to encourage their faith?
- How can you tie what you’ve just read into your niche?
Use The Worksheet Below to Record Your Ideas!
What Kind of Content Can You Create?
Now that you have all of this information, what can you do with it?
Write a Blog Post
This is the obvious answer.
Pick a question that you thought of and write a blog post about it.
Ask a question in a Facebook group and use the responses to write a blog post around the topic.
Create a list post based on the promises or attributes of God found in the passage.
Write an E-mail
Do you have an e-mail list?
Write a letter of encouragement to your list based on what you’ve read.
Or write an e-mail addressing one of the questions.
Facebook/Instagram Post or Story
Share your summary of the passage as a Facebook live or Instagram story.
Ask one of the questions on your Facebook Page as a conversation starter.
Take each promise/attribute you wrote down and schedule it as a post to go out over the next few weeks.
You can use any of the scriptures from your bible study to create a mini-devotional that answers one of the questions from your bible study.
Create a Few Graphics
People love printables.
Create a few printables to send to your e-mail list of inspirational verses.
You could also use them as lead magnets to grow your list.
Christian quotes are popular on Pinterest.
Create a few quote pins to share on Pinterest that link back to your content.
I’m sure you can think of many other ways to use the ideas you create as part of your blog.
Hopefully, the list I’ve shared was enough to get your brain primed to come up with more awesome content ideas for your blog.
The great thing about this trick is that you don’t have to sacrifice your time in the word to come up with any of these ideas.
Those ideas can be found in the word of God.
All it takes is a simple shift, from thinking about ourselves to the audience that God has called us to serve.
How can they benefit? What is that God wants them to know?
I would not be doing you any favors if I didn’t leave you with a word of caution before I sign off.
While this is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.
Don’t let your bible study turn into a hunt for your next blog topic.
It should still be a time for you to grow in your faith and your knowledge of Christ.
He still needs to be able to pour into you through his written word, just as you seek to pour into others.
As always keep Christ at the center of everything you do.
Your Sister In Christ,
Don’t forget to download your free worksheets!
This a great guide! I have another blog, a faith blog which I am still working on, and these are great tips to get me started. Thanks so much for sharing (:
Hi Angie! I’m so glad you found these tips helpful.I’m sure that God has great plans for you and your blog!
These are awesome tips, Eboni. I’ve pinned and tweeted.
Hi Lori! Thank you for sharing and commenting.
I’ve never combined my Bible study or quiet time with my blog writing. This Bible study technique is great! I love focusing on what the passage says about God, is and the world:)
Hi Beth! Yes, I would have never considered doing them both at the same time either! It was such an “Aha!” moment for me when I did it as part of the writing challenge. I couldn’t help, but share it with everyone else 🙂
I love this! I’ll be honest, when I started reading this I was thinking, uh oh, we can’t focus on our blog during Bible study time. But I understand your point and I think it’s a great idea. Whenever you need ideas for content, we can open our Bible and start reading. What better way to serve than by delivering His message?
Hi Wendy! Thank you for your honesty and I completely agree. We need to focus on Christ during our personal bible study time and what he’s trying to speak to us in those moments. Then we can look at how he can use what we’ve read to speak to our audience. Thank you for commenting!
I found that same exercise Ashley came up with very helpful. It allowed me to immerse myself in the scripture and also think from the perspective of my audience as well. You listed some great ideas on what could be created from my own quiet time.
Yes, that was a great exercise. It really stretched my thinking and was the inspiration behind this post.
Thanks for sharing this! I currently employ this method, I share contents that are based on findings from my Bible study.